How to Locate the Reflexology Sinuses Zone
Tell the patient or person afflicted with sinus problems to turn their hands face up.
Place one of their hands in the palm of your hand while you apply pressure to the sinus zone.
Apply pressure and gently massage the areas on each finger from the top knuckle up. This is where the sinus zone is located in the hand. The tips of the thumbs are not part of the sinus zone. Only the tips of the four fingers on each hand are part of the sinus zone.
Place the left foot of the patient in your hands or in your lap. Have the patient relax as much as possible. The more the patient is relaxed the better the reflexology works.
Massage and apply pressure to the bottom of the toes on the left foot. This is the place under the fatty pad of the toes. Rub until the sinuses are relieved. The big toe is not connected to the sinuses. Only the other four toes work as reflexology zones.