How to Locate the Reflexology Solar Plexus Zone
Determine the area to begin your search for the solar plexus zone. Draw an imaginary line from the point between you fourth and fifth toes to the highest point of your arch.
Identify the general location of the solar plexus zone as the midpoint of this line.
Sit in a comfortable chair and place a reflexology roller on the floor in front of you. Reach out with a big toe and hold the probe with either end. Press it firmly to the floor with the foot and position the other foot over the wheel in the center of the shaft.
Press the wheel into your foot and begin combing the region between the second and third metatarsal bones for the solar plexus zone.
Continue rolling your foot back and forth if you miss on the first try. You will know that you have found the solar plexus zone when you feel a pinpoint of pain. Apply firm pressure to this point for 20 to 60 seconds and release. Repeat this several times on both feet to relieve tension.