How to Read a Hand Reflexology Chart
Look at the back of your hands. The back of the hands deals primarily with the muscles, joints and extremities going from top to bottom; just like your body. The tips of the fingers are the brain, head and sinus cavities. The middle of the fingers is the neck and the tops of your knuckles are the shoulders and so on down the hand. The base of the back of your hand represents the fallopian tubes, groin and lymph glands.
Turn your hand over and observe the inside. Again, the inside of your hand moves down your body beginning with the brain, head and sinus cavities. The top of the knuckles of the inside of your hand relates to the eye and inner ear. Moving down the hand you have the lungs, stomach and other vital organs. The bottom of the inside of your hand deals with the small intestine.
Study hand reflexology charts available online or at your local bookstore to more fully understand the details of hand reflexology.
Visit a specialist who deals in hand reflexology to get more insight into this area of therapy.