How to Use Reflexology to Release Anxiety
Know what to expect when you visit a reflexologist. This is a non-invasive procedure and you will be asked to remove your shoes and socks, so be kind enough to clean your feet before you go. As you sit in a reclined chair, the reflexologist will talk with you about your health issues and examine your feet.
Enjoy the sensation as the reflexologist provides you with a short foot massage to loosen you up a bit. He or she will then stimulate each area with gentle, but firm pressure. The process continues as the reflexologist walks his thumbs and fingers up along your feet, applying firm pressure to specific points on each foot.
Expect to feel better at the end of the session, which usually lasts about an hour. The level of pain you may experience will depend on your tolerance and may even vary from session to session, depending on what areas of your body are most tense.
Make sure the reflexologist you see is certified by the American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB.) This means they have met national skill standards in reflexology by passing a three-part exam.
Understand that being certified in reflexology does not mean a person has a license to practice it on others. That is a separate process. When in doubt about someone, check with your local, county and state licensing boards to learn about any requirements. Some states have massage laws that provide exemptions for reflexology.