How to Increase Energy With Reflexology
Stimulate your body's circulation by using your fingers to apply pressure to the ball of your left foot. Work your fingers across the ball of the foot until you are right under the third toe. Repeat the activity on the right foot; however, concentrate on ball of the foot located under the big toe.
Enhance the functioning of your thymus by applying pressure to the outer tip of the ball of your foot. Repeat this activity for both feet.
Work your body's spleen reflex by applying pressure to the outer edge of your left foot about 1 inch below the base of your little toe.
Increase your body's upper lymphatic functioning by applying pressure to the area between the base of your toes and fingers. This is known as the web area of the hands and feet. Use your fingers to work the web area on your feet and the opposite hand.
Activate your body's lower lymphatic system by applying pressure to the top of your hand and feet at the wrist or ankle. Rotate your foot and hand at the ankle and wrist.