How to Relieve Pain Through Reflexology
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
- Rollers, balls, probes or home-made reflexology aids like tennis or squash balls
- Reflexology chart mapping the hands and feet to the rest of the body
Visit the Reflexology Association of America Web site (see Resources below) for more information on the use of reflexology. This site provides a wealth of information, as well as links to other resources. You can locate a reflexology professional by state or read through online articles for more information.
Determine where on your body you are experiencing pain. Try to be as specific as possible when identifying pain centers. Take note if you are experiencing pain in multiple areas.
Call your local reflexology practitioner and ask if reflexology treatment is right for your symptoms of pain.
Pull out a reflexology chart and identify the foot and/or hand reflex zones that are associated with your pain centers. Reflexology charts are available online. Check the links provided by the Reflexology Association of America Web site for a short listing.
Request the assistance of a friend or a reflexology professional to administer the reflexology massage technique. If you plan on administering the treatment yourself, purchase tools of the trade. Reflexology uses items like rollers, balls and probes to effectively perform the massage technique. For an extremely inexpensive option, utilize items from home. Use the eraser tip of a pencil or a squash ball in place of a probe or reflexology ball.
Apply the reflexology massage through the entire area outlined by the reflexology chart.
Stop the treatment if your pain grows or worsens. If the pain is truly unbearable, seek the help of a licensed medical professional.