How to Give a Reflexology Massage
Things You'll Need
- Reflexology chart citing the different parts of the body and their corresponding foot or hand reflex zones
- Computer with Internet access
- Reflexology instruments
- Marker
Learn How to Give a Reflexology Massage
Get a reflexology chart. Reflexology charts can be found online and in books on reflexology (see Resources below). You can also purchase books specifically on giving reflexology treatment to others.
Visit the Reflexology Association of America Web site and look at their nationwide events calendar (see Resources below). Get some hands-on experience while being guided by well-informed instructors.
Call your local reflexology association or local reflexology practitioner. They may have their own courses and seminars that are not listed online. You can find a listing of associations and reflexologists on the Reflexology Association of America Web site.
Give a Reflexology Massage
Target the areas of the body you would like to treat with a reflexology massage.
Use the reflexology chart to find the areas of the hands and feet that correspond to the target body parts. Mark the hands and feet with a marker or pen that is safe for skin. You can also order reflexology socks, which are socks with the reflexology chart printed on the sole.
Apply firm and constant pressure to the reflex zones for at least 20 seconds at a time. One should be able to feel the pressure throughout the entire reflex zone.
Use reflexology instruments in place of your hands. There are probes, balls and rollers you can use to really stimulate the reflex zones. The cost of such materials is fairly inexpensive.
Repeat the reflexology massage as many times as you see fit. Some people use reflexology as preventative medicine and use it throughout their lifetime.