Foot Rubbing Techniques
Using the Right Lubricants and Pressure
A foot rub can be awkward for both the therapist and the client. Feet are prone to bacteria and unpleasant smells that can be off-putting for a body worker, and the sensitive bottoms of the feet can be ticklish to a client. Instead of massage oil, which will leave the feet greasy and provide a "ticklish" touch, use talcum powder or cornstarch, creams or lotions. Such lubricants are easily removed, ensuring that a client won't have to walk on oily, slippery feet. Additionally, non-oil-based lubricants offer the therapist a better grip for a deeper, firmer touch; this is the secret to avoiding tickling the feet.
Loosen Up the Related Anatomy
Once the client is comfortable, spend some time holding the feet with a firm touch to allow the client to adapt to the touch. Loosen up the foot ankle and lower leg before getting deep into the tissue of the foot. Rotate the foot in a circular manner, and bend the foot and toes up and down. Stroke the ankle and lower leg toward the knee to loosen the tissues, allow blood to flow and waste to leave the area.
There are a number of pressure points on the feet that are believed to affect the health of parts and systems all over the body. In addition to stroking and rubbing the feet, take some time to stretch and spread the bones of the foot. Grasp the pad of the foot just below the toes in both hands and knead it apart as if stretching the foot wider. Feel the individual tarsal bones and spread them out by kneading the joints. Spend some time applying static pressure to any points on the foot which feel like knots or trigger points. Apply pressure to the knots with the thumbs to slowly sink the foot into relaxation.
Wipe Off the Feet with a Coarse Towel
Foot massage is extremely relaxing and you may find that some clients drift off to sleep. End your massage by vigorously wiping the feet with a coarse towel. Pay particular attention between the toes. No one wants to walk on slippery feet or wear shoes and socks over greasy toes. Not only does the towel massage remove any excess cream, powder or lotion, but the refreshing rubbing of the rough towel will stimulate the client from her relaxed and sleepy state.