Reflexology Treatment for Hemorrhoids
It is always preferable to consult a professional. He can incorporate corresponding points for hemorrhoids into a holistic treatment designed to prevent future outbreaks as well as alleviate current pain.
Small Intestine
Treatment will likely include reflexes for the intestines, rectum and solar plexus. The small intestine reflex begins just above the heel's medial arch. It extends halfway across the underside of the foot in an oval shape.
Large Intestine
The path of the large intestine begins on the right foot, with the ascending colon. This point moves vertically one inch above the lateral heel, then travels across the foot. Its path is mirrored by the descending colon on the left foot.
At the end of the large intestine reflex is the rectum reflex, which moves back towards the inside of the foot. It stops just before the medial arch.
Solar Plexus
The solar plexus point can be found about one third from the top of each foot, between the first and second toes. It is considered the "abdominal brain," as its healing effects extend to all parts of the abdomen and related disorders.