Reflexology Foot Treatment
Reflexology is an ancient type of massage that utilizes the many specific points on the feet and hands. The feet have more than 7,000 sensory nerve endings that correlate to all the organ systems in the body.
The American Massage Therapy Association reports that reflexology was used in Egypt and India as far back as 2,500 BCE and in China in 2,000 BCE. It was introduced to the American medical profession and laypeople in 1913.
How it Works
According to Dr. Larry Altshuler in his book, "Balanced Healing," reflexologists diagnose medical conditions by locating tender points on the feet and then massaging those areas to reduce the symptoms.
According to the Mayo Clinic, reflexology has shown benefits in treating certain conditions. Weekly sessions over 2 months have shown a reduction in premenstrual syndrome; treatments also offer pain relief from migraines or tension headaches.
Clinical Opinion
The Mayo Clinic reports that little risk is involved in reflexology. However, little evidence supports its effectiveness in treating the various diseases or symptoms claimed by practitioners.