How to Do Reiki Therapy
Things You'll Need
- Table
- Sheets
- Pillow
- Candles
How to Do Reiki Therapy
Have the patient lay down on a massage table. The patient can keep his or her clothes on for the reiki session.
Ask the patient what their chief complaints are. Do they have pain in certain areas of their body? Do they have an illness or disorder? Find out why they have decided to try reiki.
Relax your mind and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
Ask the patient's higher being for permission to perform the reiki therapy. If you sense that the patient does not wish to receive therapy, you cannot continue with the session.
Use reiki symbols to begin the reiki therapy. Cho Ku Ray (Power Symbol), Sei Hei Ki, Hon Sha (Mental/Emotional Symbol), Ze Sho Nen (Distance Symbol), Tam-A-Ra-Sha (Balancing Factor) and Dai Ko Myo (Master Symbol) can be used at the beginning, during and at the end of the session. Only certified reiki masters have the knowledge and permission to use these symbols.
Imagine the universe's energy flowing through your hands. You may experience a warm or cooling sensation.
Place your hands on or over the main parts of the patient's body (head, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, thighs, shins and feet). Leave your hands on each part of the body for one to two minutes or longer if you or the patient senses that the area needs more attention.
Perform reiki on the backside of the patient's body too.