How to Benefit From Reiki
Schedule an appointment with a Reiki master. Many places that offer traditional massages or New Age services offer Reiki sessions.
Wear comfortable clothing. During the Reiki session, you will be lying down while the Reiki master places her hands on or near various parts of your body. You will enjoy the Reiki session much more if you are comfortable.
Decide on an “intention” before the Reiki session. Receiving Reiki involves receiving a flow of positive energy. You will gain the most benefit in your Reiki session by setting an intention for where you want this energy to flow. You can choose physical healing, or you can seek emotional healing, such as letting go of anxiety. If you do not have an intention in mind, you can make your intention “for my greatest good.”
Talk with the Reiki master. If you have any issues that the Reiki master needs to know about, then tell him before the session begins. For example, if you are not comfortable with being touched in certain places, tell him ahead of time so he can be sure to respect your boundaries. (Reiki should never involve touching private areas).
Focus on staying present in your mind. While you are having your Reiki session, resist the urge to think about the past or the future and do not let your mind race. Instead, focus on how your body is feeling in the moment while you listen to the relaxing music. Allow your body to experience all of the senses in this present moment.
Let go of your expectations. No two Reiki sessions are alike because your needs are fluid. Allow the Reiki to manifest in whatever way it does. People have various reactions to Reiki sessions. Some “see” colors while their eyes are closed. Others feel the flood of positive energy, often to a part of the body that is nowhere near where the Reiki master is standing. Some wind up falling asleep as their bodies relax. Any of these reactions are normal and the same person might wind up experiencing all three at different times.
Carry the positive energy with you. After your Reiki session ends, resist the urge to jump back into a frantic pace. Instead, carry the feeling of “being” instead of “doing” with you as you re-enter your life.