How to Use Reiki Symbols
Bring the Reiki symbols into being. This can be accomplished in any number of ways, such as by tracing the symbol in the air or drawing it on a sheet of paper while the Reiki treatment is being conducted. Some Reiki practitioners use the symbols by reciting their names over and over again like a mantra in order to guide the Reiki energy.
Use the first Reiki symbol, Cho-Ku-Rei, the symbol of body, to increase the power of Reiki treatments. This symbol's translation means "put the power here," and as a result guides more Reiki energy to the point where the Reiki practitioner has focused her hands.
Concentrate on using the second Reiki symbol, Sei-He-Ki, to promote cleansing and purification. This symbol's translation means "key to the universe," and is most often used to help clear someone's mind of emotional or spiritual trauma. This Reiki symbol may also be used to purge a client's body of toxins or disease.
Use the third Reiki symbol, Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen, to perform Reiki treatments on people who cannot physically be touched. This symbol's translation is more in depth than the others, and becomes an invitation by the spiritual energy in one person to make the spiritual energy in another person calm in order to bring enlightenment and peace. This is what Reiki practitioners use primarily when sending Reiki at a distance.
Ground, balance and fortify energy with the fourth Reiki symbol, Tan-A-Ra-Sha. When used to unblock energy flow, this symbol can help alleviate pain.
Progress to Reiki Master in order to use the fourth Reiki symbol. The fourth Reiki symbol is Dai-Ko-Myo, which comments on the relationship between humanity, the universe and Reiki energy. The master uses this exclusively for attuning beginning Reiki practitioners, and passes this symbol on only to other Reiki masters.
Use the first three Reiki symbols in conjunction with each other to fashion the Reiki energy to its best use for each individual client. Cho-Ku-Rei and Sei-He-Ki can be used together to cleanse the body of all toxins, diseases and other harmful chemicals, while Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen can be used with Cho-Ku-Rei to send as much Reiki energy to someone long distance as possible.