How to Use Reiki With Autistic Children
Prepare the child for his Reiki treatment. Have the child use the preparation time in an activity and environment he finds pleasing. While this may not be a traditional environment for generating tranquility, the child should be allowed to do whatever he wants in order to feel relaxed.
Gently lead the autistic child to the Reiki treatment room. In theory, the child should feel relaxed enough that the treatment room should not disturb her. However, given the nature of autism, the child might resist being taken to a strange place, so prepare to perform the Reiki treatment in an area where the child feels tranquil.
Draw out any negative energy that is in the autistic child's body. Reiki practitioners debate how this can be done, but the simplest technique for beginners is to infuse the child with enough Reiki energy that the negative energy must exit the body.
Concentrate on the use of the first eight Reiki hand positions in order to infuse the patient's head with Reiki energy. This will improve the child's brain function, free up the child's problems with expressing herself and improve the child's handling of her thoughts and emotions. These are all problems caused by autism, and so Reiki treatment in that area should lead to a lessening of the symptoms.
Focus on other Reiki treatment areas that may help lessen the symptoms of autism. These include the hips, thighs, ankles, knees, calves and shoulders. Concentrating on these areas will help the autistic child deal with burdens, lack of inner strength and anxiety.
Be prepared if the autistic children experience any negative after-effects. They probably have several toxins pent up in their bodies, which will mean that the infusion of Reiki has left them feeling angry or depressed. Calm the upset children down if this happens, and make sure they drink several glasses of water to flush the toxins out of them.
Give the child regular Reiki treatments. Even though she may not understand what is being done to her, she may demonstrate a lessening of the autism symptoms. Work in tandem with the child's parents and doctors to keep track of the child's progress.