How to Teach Reiki
Take your Reiki master class from a group or institute that delivers some kind of certificate to attest to the successful completion of your training. This certificate will validate you as a Reiki master with the necessary know-how to be a teacher.
Offer Reiki treatments to friends and family. After they feel the healing power of your service, they may express interest in learning more. You could start a first class with people you know.
Ask for referrals. Once you have a trained cadre of Reiki masters who will attest to your wonderful training, you can begin to set up more classes for the referrals they will send you. Training can be done in your home or you can rent space at a new thought church or yoga studio.
Join a holistic practice if you want to practice Reiki as a full-time profession. These are becoming more popular throughout the country and typically involve massage therapists, acupuncturists, yoga instructors and homeopathic doctors. You can share rent and marketing as well as use each other for referrals.
Write articles for local papers, both independent freebies and regular regional and local magazines. Many publications will publish articles with no pay, but will give you space to publicize your classes. These articles also will help to set up your credentials as an expert in the field.