Kundalini Raising Secrets and Techniques

Kundalini is an energy within people that must be awakened to be used. It is a healing energy, used in alternative therapy techniques like Reiki. According to Reiki-for-holistic-health.com, kundalini begins at the base of the spine, in the first chakra, and rises up to open all of the chakras.
  1. Purify

    • In order to raise kundalini, the body must be pure. According to the book "Reiki" by Rosalyn Imrie, it is important that the person raising kundalini have no toxins in her body. Reiki-for-holistic-health.com adds that tobacco, drugs and sugars can deter raising this energy.


    • Calming stress helps with raising kundalini. Practicing meditation or yoga will help the energies flow more smoothly. Meditation helps you remain calm.

    Stay Grounded

    • Practice grounding, which is the practice of making sure that one's "roots" are firmly planted. Most people do this through a form of guided meditation, imagining that they are a tree with roots buried deep in the ground. Grounding makes sure there is a balance of energy moving both upward, as in kundalini, and downward, as in grounding.


    • To understand and use kundalini, it is important to understand chakras since kundalini flows through the seven chakras. Become familiar with each of them, learning the color of the chakra and its position.

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