What Is a Reiki Grid?
The composition of a reiki grid is primarily of quartz crystals, but any type of natural element or crystal can be used for specific purposes. Traditionally, single-pointed quartz crystals are arranged in a central grid, with a cluster or double-pointed quartz crystal as a focal point or master crystal.
The grid design is a geometric shape, such as a star or octagon. Other crystals or crystal points can be added to connect the outside of the grid. Many reiki practitioners also create the grid on a cloth or mat imprinted with a sacred image of picture, such as the flower of life, star of David or antahkarana symbol.
Each quartz crystal is cleared and infused or programmed with reiki healing energy. An intention, usually in the form of an affirmation or prayer is associated with the energy when the crystal is programmed, to provide a focus for healing. The practitioner energetically draws reiki symbols over each crystal and the master crystal is similarly programmed. A brief ceremony to connect each crystal in the grid is performed and the grid is recharged regularly to maintain its effect. The reiki grid is directed outwardly within the space and connects energetically to universal or collective healing.
Reiki crystal grids can be set up to promote healing of oneself or others from disease, manifesting goals such as increased wealth or success, sending confidence and calmness for an upcoming test, or creating a feeling of balance within the space or house. The International Center for Reiki Training developed world peace crystal grids for the north and the south poles and installed these to continually generate healing for all cultures to work together with peace in mind. Reiki practitioners can maintain an energized general grid to send healing to the world.
According to Avalon Crystals, the reiki crystal grid can be created to manifest any goal or to promote balance in any aspect of your life. Reiki energy, and associated tools, is not used for harm, so negative intentions are not transmitted. Choose a location for setting up the grid that is easily accessible, but that is not disturbed, such as a sacred space in your house or a table by the window. Select quartz crystals to use that are of similar size. If desired, select additional crystals that have personal or metaphysical meaning to include in the grid (as described by Healing Reiki in References). Choose a master crystal that is easy to hold in your hand, as this crystal will be used for regularly activating the grid.