Reiki Group Healing
What is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced ray key) is Japanese and means universal life energy, literally the life force of the universe. It can also be called white light, healing light, spirit, God, the force or other names. Reiki is more than 2,500 years old and was re-discovered by Dr. Usui in Japan in the early 1900s. During a session, Reiki is channeled by trained practitioners for relaxation, healing and overall well-being.
Who Does Reiki?
A practitioner is simply someone who practices Reiki. There are different levels of practitioners---level 1, level 2, level 3/Reiki master, and Reiki master teacher level. The levels correspond to the amount of Reiki energy a person has been attuned to, or is open to, and can thus channel for healing. To conduct a session, you must be at least a level 1 practitioner. If you are not, there are many places you can go to receive a Reiki attunement.
When Reiki practitioners come together to practice Reiki group healing, a Reiki master or master teacher usually leads the healing sessions. When deciding to do Reiki group healing, there are a few different formats to choose from.
What is a Reiki Share?
A Reiki share is a time for students of Reiki to practice on one another, to receive any guidance from a teacher and to support one another in their Reiki practices. In this group healing time, several Reiki healers may work on a Reiki practitioner at a time, and everyone gets to experience much more concentrated healing energy than in a single session.
What is a Reiki Clinic?
A Reiki clinic is an opportunity for non-Reiki trained people to receive Reiki from trained Reiki practitioners, usually for a donation. As in a Reiki share, a clinic offers a chance to experience many different Reiki healers, often working on one person at the same time. A benefit of this is that an individual gets to experience the transmission of Reiki through many different healers and also that people who might otherwise not be able to afford a session can receive Reiki at a discounted rate.
Distant Healing
There are also often Reiki "distance healing lists," in which people can submit names of people who need healing. There is even a special Reiki symbol that is used just for remote healing. There are great benefits even from this kind of healing from afar.
Reiki alone offers many benefits; group healing magnifies its healing qualities. Some of them are relaxation, relief from pain and stress, greater insight and awareness, increased intuitive abilities, a feeling of lightness (as if a "burden" has been lifted) and more.