Reiki Distant Healing
Reiki Symbols
The prerequisite instruction for attaining the second degree of Reiki is largely based on learning three symbols and their use. These symbols were the content of the mystic revelation that prompted the founding of the first Reiki healing center in Tokyo by Mikao Usui. Though they have been leaked, the symbols are intended to be secret in order to preserve their due respect. All three symbols can be used in distance healing. The first is a power sign, and is used to focus and engage energy. The second is used when mental and emotional issues are involved. The third is the sign that is used to initiate a distance healing.
Reiki at a Distance
The Reiki symbols can be invoked or activated in a variety of ways. The practitioner can merely visualize the symbol or draw it in the air with their hand. A more common method is to simply use its name, either aloud or silently. The third symbol is a meditation on the interconnectedness of all things. By invoking the symbol, the practitioner transcends the distance of space and time, which are, in reality, only illusory. By this means, the practitioner is able to reach a client at any point in space or time and channel universal life-force energy.
Receiving a Distance Healing
The Reiki practitioner is usually limited by ethical principles to working only on willing clients. In most cases, the client arranges with a practitioner in advance to receive a distant healing at a certain time. No particular preparation is required, but the client is usually advised to prepare for the session by maintaining an open mind and a receptive attitude. Some practitioners remind their clients of the Reiki principles: Just for today, do not anger, do not worry and be filled with gratitude, devote yourself to your work, and be kind. People react differently to a distance healing, some with feelings of relaxation and serenity, others with euphoria or spiritual awareness. Some individuals might not notice any particular feeling at all.