How to Learn Rieki
Find a Reiki master. Most major cities have groups that meet for Reiki circles and these are certain to have at least one Reiki master. Visit your local New Age bookstore or holistic health center and you'll probably see fliers for a Reiki group or Reiki instruction.
Register for Reiki I. Each Reiki master is free to decide when they're ready to accept students and how they will present the knowledge and experiences necessary to become a level I practitioner. Some do one-on-one or small group instruction but many like to have a large group together to teach at once. When you've met a Reiki master, ask if they are offering a Reiki I class and sign up.
Learn the level I material. Each level of Reiki consists of some classroom instruction and some practical experience. The experiential portion of the instruction is the most important and helps a student develop the confidence to become a practitioner. Hand positions, client etiquette, and the general parameters of Reiki practice are all level I topics.
Receive attunement. When the Reiki master feels the time is right, they conduct a special ceremonial procedure that formally attunes the student to the Reiki energy. After the attunement, the student will be able to summon Reiki energy at any time with the proper focus and intent.
Continue learning. Most individuals who learn Reiki find it useful to practice with others who've been attuned. The more often Reiki is practiced, the more effortless it becomes. Many level I practitioners eventually go on to level II instruction, which includes a new attunement, and some of these will also go on to become masters.