Reiki Treatment for Cancer
Reiki is a form of energy healing to restore balance, alleviate disease and discomfort, affecting relaxation and personal insight. The metaphysical significance of cancer is anger turned inward, producing abnormal cell growth (tumors). In promoting relaxation and balance, reiki supports the patient's release of issues that may obstruct her well being and recovery and enhances the body's natural healing abilities. Reiki energy is considered an adjunctive therapy in cancer because it supports the pharmacological and chemotherapeutic treatments provided by a physician.
The patient is lying down or seated in a relaxed position, fully clothed. The reiki practitioner channels energy and transmits it outwardly to the patient. Various hand positions are used to direct the energy from the practitioner's hands to all areas of the body. The process may be performed with the practitioner touching the patient or her hands may be positioned slightly off the body (not touching). The energy penetrates all levels of the person--mind, emotions, body and spirit. During this process the patient may experience a tingling sensation or feel waves of subtle heat emanating from the practitioner's hands.
Reiki promotes relaxation and increases the body's natural healing energy. The patient may feel physical sensations of tingling or heat and usually encounters thoughts and memories that provide insight to continue recovery. The benefits of reiki in cancer have been reported to reduce pain, alleviate nausea and improve sleep. Continued reiki sessions support the patient's holistic efforts to maintain health for remission.
Reiki and energy healing are not intended to diagnose or to treat specific illnesses or diseases. Patients with cancer should continue to be treated and monitored by their physician and use reiki therapy as an adjunct to all treatments. Reiki energy serves to restore balance and the patient, not the practitioner, directs the course of their wellness. As with any therapy, if the patient does not take an active role in her health, such as recognizing causes and changing behavior, the effects of therapy are limited.
Expert Insight
Studies have been conducted for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (part of the National Institutes of Health) and hospitals on the effects of reiki treatments in cancer. These studies have shown the benefits of reiki treatment in managing side effects and pain among patients. Individuals have reported significant improvements in their sense of well-being and energy levels after reiki therapy. Reiki has not been shown to be an alternative or replacement treatment for cancer; however, many cancer patients continue to benefit from its adjunctive use.