What Are the Benefits of Reiki?
Main Points
Reiki is noninvasive. Working with energy, the healer's hands detect and unblock energy (chi). Reiki releases blocked chi from the chakras throughout the body. Blocked chi creates specific symptoms from which sufferers seek relief. Reiki is holistic. Rather than treat superficial symptoms, Reiki healers address the physical, mental and spiritual causes of a patient's complaints.
Reiki may be several thousand years old. Possibly rooted in ancient Tibet, the precise origins of Reiki are lost in antiquity. More is known about relatively recent developments. According to Holistic Online, Dr. Mikao Usui discovered Reiki in Japan in the late 1800s. After years of studying ancient texts (sutras) and metaphysical experiences, Dr. Usui coined the term "Reiki." What is currently known as Reiki has passed down from these developments.
NCCAM recognizes that Reiki patients feel an overall sense of well being after Reiki body work. Since Reiki's primary function is to release blocked chi, benefits include easing symptoms related to energy blockages.The many wellness benefits attributed to Reiki include, but are not limited to, promoting a healthy immune system, increased energy, relief from various forms of chronic pain, and even support for the grieving process.
Complementary Treatments
Indobase notes that there a a variety of treatments that Reiki healing can complement. Cancer patients can receive Reiki treatments along with chemotherapy and radiation. Reiki may ease the side effects of cancer treatments, ease associated anxiety, and aid healthy energy flow through the disturbed system. Pregnant women can enjoy the effects of Reiki throughout their pregnancies. Reiki may ease the physical and emotional experiences of pregnancy. The fetus benefits from the release of free-flowing energy. Individuals who take medications receive Reiki to promote the efficacy of the medications and ease side effects.
Additional Comments
There are a number of NCCAM-funded research projects investigating Reiki's potential benefits. NCCAM-funded studies include investigating how Reiki works. Some of the more hopeful studies include looking at Reiki as an aid for the pain of fibromyalgia, Reiki's psychological impact on late-stage AIDS patients, and if Reiki can help reduce pain and cardiovascular risk in people with type 2 diabetes.