How to Become Reiki Certified
Things You'll Need
- Access to the Internet
- Cash, check or credit card
Research the several styles of Reiki, which are sometimes divided into Eastern and Western schools. Usui Reiki is the original Japanese practice developed by Mikao Usui, and brought to the West by Hawayo Takata. Karuna Reiki was developed by William Rand, while Imara Reiki was developed by Barton and Geoffrey Wendel, and Karuna Ki Reiki was developed by Vinny Amador. Before choosing a course, read up on each to see if one appeals to you more than another.
Ask questions. Reiki practitioners encourage you to use your intuition when choosing a provider or master instructor. But before plunking down your money, question your potential instructor, because while some Reiki training schools offer a certificate, the practice itself has no agreed upon set of professional standards or government-approved licensing. You should find out where the master took her training, what kind of training she took, and how long she has been practicing.
Try before you buy. If you still aren’t sure which method or master best suits you, make a visit to various practitioners, try the different styles and ask about the teachers.
Sign up for a course. Reiki has three levels or degrees of training. The first level helps you learn to practice hands-on healing, the second allows you to achieve results from a distance. The third degree, also called the master level, allows you to initiate and instruct others. The first and second degrees are usually taught in short 1 to 2 day courses. Time to achieve the master level varies, but could take years.Reiki courses generally give an overview of the history and theory of the procedure and may offer instruction in setting up your treatment area and preparing your clients. Masters are said to “initiate” students into the actual techniques and practices or attunements, rather than teach them. Once initiated, you become a practitioner.
Get your name out there. Once you complete training, sign up with a registry or other listing of Reiki professionals (see Resources below).