How to Use Reiki for Better Sleep
How to Use Reiki for Better Sleep
To begin, just tell your body to relax as you take a long, deep inhalation in. Think peace as you slowly, slowly exhale out. Repeat thinking peaceful thoughts as you inhale in and releasing thoughts as you exhale out. Close your eyes and concentrate on the breath.Place both of your hands, palms down, at the top of your head. Hold your hands there for 3 minutes as you continue to breathe in peaceful thoughts and exhale tension in your body. Think of Reiki energy coming through your hands into the top of your head. Allow your worries and concerns to melt away.
Place the palms of your hands over your eyes and hold there for three minutes as you breathe. Feel Reiki healing energy flowing through your hands into your eyes. Feel the stress and tension leaving your body with each exhalation.
Place the palms of your hands over each of your ears. The left palm of your hand should be covering your left ear, and the right palm of your hand should be covering your right ear. Hold there for three minutes as you continue to breathe in peace and exhale worry or pain. Know that Reiki energy is flowing from your hands into your ears. Feel the warmth.
Move your hands to your chest and place the palms of your hands on your chest. Feel your breath begin to slow even more as you breathe peaceful images and loving thoughts into your body. Feel your body sink into the mattress more and more with each exhalation you take. Slow your breath and relax your body. Hold this hand position for three to five minutes.
Place the palms of your hands over the bottom of your ribcage. Continue your slow breathing in and out as you hold your hands in this position for three minutes. Feel the Reiki energy warm your body as you release the pain and worry of the day.
Move your hands to your navel and place the palms of your hands on either side of your navel with the tips of your middle fingers touching. Hold this position for three minutes as you breathe in and out. Feel your stomach rise and fall with each inhalation and exhalation. Try to slow the inhalations and exhalations down even more. Find the breaths peaceful and loving.
You will now move your hands into the last hand position by sliding your hands down to your 2 inches below your navel. This is your Hara, the center for the breath. Feel peace and tranquility fill your Hara center as you continue to breathe in and out for three minutes.When you have finished the hand positions, lay your arms at your sides. With your eyes closed, continued to breathe in and feel the breath as a wave of loving energy over your body. Exhale the breath down your body to your toes and inhale the breath back up to your head. Continue the breath until you are sufficiently tired to fall asleep. Some people have trouble when they first begin to practice breathing techniques. This is normal. Don’t give up; help is only a Reiki breath away