What is balisawsaw?
Balisawsaw is a Filipino superstitious belief about seeing something good or bad happening to a person as a foretelling of their future. It literally translates to "mirror", with superstition being likened as a "mirror" of what is going to happen.
Detailed Explanation:
Balisawsaw is deeply ingrained in Filipino culture, and it encompasses a wide array of beliefs and signs that are seen as portents of future events. These signs can range from everyday mundane activities to extraordinary occurrences, and often vary from region to region in the Philippines.
- _Good Balisawsaw: **_
- Seeing someone get rich or successful can predict similar financial fortune for the observer.
- Witnessing a couple in love and harmonious might imply that the observer's love life will flourish.
- _Bad Balisawsaw: **_
- Hearing a pregnant woman cry is considered an omen of bad events in the observer's life.
- Encountering a funeral procession may predict illness, death, or other sorrowful events.
While some view balisawsaw as mere superstitions, others regard them as a deep-seated part of Filipino folk wisdom passed down through generations. This belief system influences decision-making and behavior in various aspects of daily life, leading some individuals to seek auspicious events or avoid potential ominous experiences.
Origins and Variations:
Balisawsaw's origins predate the arrival of Spanish colonizers, and it has influences from indigenous animist beliefs, Hindu-Buddhist customs, and even Islamic teachings. It is closely tied to the Filipino concept of _hiwaga_, or the mystical qualities of the world. Different regions of the Philippines have their distinct variations of balisawsaw, which demonstrates the country's rich diversity of superstitious beliefs.