The Difference Between Ceramic & Plastic Neti Pots
Many Americans suffer from frequent sinus infections. Unfortunately, it is far too common that the medications prescribed to help these people are either too weak and do not relieve the sinus infection or are too strong and will leave the patients completely incapacitated for the day. Neti pots are a popular form of alternative medicine that many patients who are unsatisfied with the effects of modern medicine have turned to with great success. The two most popular forms of neti pot are the plastic and ceramic models.-
Plastic neti pots are usually less expensive than the ceramic neti pots.
Depending on personal preference, some people might find either the warm plastic or the warm ceramic more comfortable on their nose. Both styles will always have a rounded tip and be similar in size and shape, but you might find one material more pleasant than the other on your skin.
Ceramic neti pots will always weigh more than their plastic counterparts. As you will be elevating the neti pot for several minutes while it is full of water, the added physical strain of holding the heavier ceramic neti pot might be an issue.
Washing your neti pot in the dishwasher is an easy and effective way to clean it. Ceramic neti pots are always dishwasher safe, but you cannot put every plastic neti pot in the dishwasher. Always check the box if you purchase a plastic neti pot to make sure that it is dishwasher safe.
Ceramic neti pots are fragile. If you drop it onto a tile floor, it will shatter, and it will not survive a trip through baggage claim at your airport. Conversely, plastic neti pots are very durable and can travel without issue.
With proper care, your first ceramic neti pot will be the only neti pot you ever have to purchase. A plastic neti pot is subject to the deterioration of all plastics. After a few years, the stresses of heat and the neti solution will compromise the neti pot, and it will need replacing.