Singing Bowl Therapy
Things You'll Need
- Singing bowl
- Wooden mallet
- Candles (optional)
- Incense (optional)
- Meditation CD (optional)
Choosing a Singing Bowl
Buy a singing bowl on the Internet, in alternative healing stores and catalogs. They are made of different materials: metal, glass and natural crystal. The cost of a singing bowl ranges from approximately $40 into the thousands for solid gold singing bowls. Decide on your price range and how many bowls you wish to purchase. Each bowl carries a particular tone and vibration.
Shop in person for a bowl if you can--that's the best way to find one that resonates to the tone and vibration you need. Try a few bowls out to find one with the particular tone you want.
Choose glass crystal bowls if color is important to you; glass bowl come in a variety of rainbow colors. Some singing bowl therapists use bowls that represent the seven colors of the body's chakras (energy centers).
Using a Singing Bowl
Create sacred space for your singing bowl by lighting candles or incense and drawing the curtains to dim the room. You may choose to play a favorite meditation CD or to utilize only the pure tones of the singing bowl during a session.
Place the singing bowl on a table or stand. Using the side of the wooden mallet, run the mallet around the edge of the bowl, much the same as you would run a wet finger around the edge of a crystal wine glass to produce a ringing tone. You'll feel a vibration in the mallet and the bowl will create a resonant tone.
Strike the bowl very lightly to create musical tones and vibrations. To change the pitch and tone of a singing bowl, fill the bowl with water at various levels and then strike the bowl with the wooden mallet.
Taking Care of Your Singing Bowl
Keep your bowl clean and free of dust. Do not use detergents on the bowl. Singing bowls are delicate instruments that should be cared for properly.
Gently rinse the bowl in clear water and dry with a soft cloth or allow to dry naturally.
Do not place the bowl in direct sunlight for long periods of time.