What Is Polypharmacy?
Polypharmacy can increase the risk of adverse drug events, including drug interactions, medication errors, and side effects. It can also lead to decreased adherence to medication regimens, increased healthcare costs, and reduced quality of life.
Some factors that can contribute to polypharmacy include:
* Chronic conditions: People with multiple chronic conditions are more likely to be taking multiple medications.
* Older age: As people age, they are more likely to develop chronic conditions and take multiple medications.
* Medications that interact with each other: Some medications can interact with each other, causing side effects or reducing the effectiveness of one or both medications.
* Lack of coordination of care: When multiple doctors are prescribing medications without consulting with each other, there is an increased risk of polypharmacy.
It is important to work closely with your healthcare providers to carefully manage your medications and minimize the risks associated with polypharmacy. Your healthcare providers can review your medications, identify potential problems, and make recommendations for optimizing your medication regimen.