What is the medical terminology breakdown of word parietal?
The term "parietal" is derived from the Latin word "paries", which means "wall". In the context of medicine, the term "parietal" is used to refer to structures or regions that are related to the walls or sides of a body cavity or organ.
Examples include:
1. Parietal lobe: The parietal lobe is one of the four major lobes of the brain. It is located at the top and back of the skull and is responsible for processing sensory information, such as touch, pain, and temperature.
2. Parietal pleura: The parietal pleura is the layer of the pleura that lines the inner surface of the thoracic cavity.
3. Parietal peritoneum: The parietal peritoneum is the layer of the peritoneum that lines the inner surface of the abdominal cavity.
4. Parietal bone: The parietal bone is one of the two bones that form the sides and top of the skull.