What are the procedure of patintero?
Rules of Patintero:
1. Each team consists of 5-7 players.
2. The court is divided into two halves, with each half being further divided into three areas: the home area, the central area, and the striking zone.
3. One team starts by serving the ball from the serving line.
4. The serving team must hit the ball over the net and into the opposing team's central area.
5. The opposing team must return the ball by hitting it over the net and into the serving team's central area.
6. The ball may be hit with any part of the body, but it must not be held or thrown.
7. If the ball lands out of bounds, or if a team fails to hit it back over the net, the serving team scores a point.
8. The first team to reach 21 points wins the game.
Procedures for playing Patintero:
1. Gather a group of friends or family members to play with, each team should consist of 5-7 players.
2. Choose two team. One team will be designated as the "offensive" team, and the other team will be designated as the "defensive" team.
3. Choose a referee who will officiate the game. The referee will call fouls, keep track of the score, and ensure that the rules of the game are being followed.
4. The game is played by hitting a ball over the net, in the central area of the opposing team's court. The opposing team must return the ball by hitting it back over the net and into the central area of the offensive team's court.
5. If the offensive team hits the ball over the net, the defensive must hit it back over. However, if the defensive team fails to return the ball, or hits it out of bounds, the offensive team scores a point.
6. Similarly, if the offensive team hits the ball into the net or fails to return it when the defensive team hits it back, the defensive team scores a point.
7. The first team to reach 21 points wins the game.