How do you get blood out of cotton panties?
1. Rinse the panties in cold water: As soon as possible, rinse the panties in cold water to prevent the stain from setting. Do not use hot water, as this can cause the stain to set.
2. Blot the stain: Use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the stain. Do not rub the stain, as this can spread it.
3. Apply a stain remover: Apply a stain remover to the stain. You can use a commercial stain remover or make your own by mixing equal parts baking soda and water. Let the stain remover sit on the stain for the recommended amount of time.
4. Wash the panties: Wash the panties in the hottest water recommended for the fabric. Add detergent and the recommended amount of bleach, if safe for the fabric.
5. Check the stain: After washing, check the stain to make sure it has been removed. If the stain is still visible, repeat steps 3-5.
6. Dry the panties: Dry the panties according to the care instructions.
Here are some additional tips for removing blood stains from cotton panties:
* Test any stain remover on a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric before using it on the entire stain.
* If you have a fresh blood stain, you may be able to remove it by rinsing it with cold water and then washing the panties as usual.
* For older blood stains, you may need to soak the panties in a solution of cold water and detergent before washing them.
* If the blood stain is still visible after washing, you can take the panties to a professional dry cleaner.
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