Natural Home Remedies for a Man Urinating Every 15 Minutes

Frequent urination in men may stem from something as innocuous as drinking too much of a diuretic beverage like tea, to perhaps something more serious like an enlarged prostate. A man complaining of frequent urination may have a more serious underlying condition, so it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. However, there are over-the-counter herbal supplements and home remedies that can be utilized to ease suffering between doctor visits.
  1. Valeriana Officinalis

    • Commonly known as wild valerian, Mexican valerian, sitka valerian or simply valerian, valeriana officinalis acts as a sedative and anti-spasmatic for many areas of the central nervous system, including the bladder. The herb relaxes smooth muscles in the bladder, thereby easing the need to urinate frequently. It is recommended that valerian is not used for more than three weeks, but a 2007 study conducted by the European Medicines Agency showed that valerian has low toxicity and is safe for human consumption.

    Panax Ginseng

    • Panax ginseng has been used in Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. According to The Natural Bladder website, the herb is primarily comprised of steroidal glycosides called ginsenosides. Panax ginseng grows naturally in Eastern China but is also cultivated in Japan, China and Korea. Panax ginseng is believed to treat urinary incontinence and frequent urination by relaxing the bladder muscle. The herb is purported to enhance the conversion of the amino acid L-arginine into nitric oxide through a process called nitric oxide synthase. This results in increased production of nitric oxide in the body, which will in turn cause the bladder to relax.

    Cranberry Juice

    • According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, urinary tract infections are uncommon among men younger than 60, but can occur due to an enlarged prostate, kidney or bladder stones, diabetes or a neurological condition. UTIs in men can be difficult to treat, but by drinking plenty of fluids, bacteria in the urinary tract cannot thrive. Drinking about six to eight glasses of water and cranberry juice each day flushes out bacteria in the urinary tract. The alkaline properties of cranberry juice also make the bladder walls slick, and bacteria is unable to stick to the inside of the bladder and grow.

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