Home Remedy for Bedwetting

Millions of children across the world wet their beds every single night. A large percentage of those kids will stop wetting their beds with no treatment at all. You rarely need medication to stop wetting the bed. All you need are a few simple exercises and daily-routine changes, and your child will stay dry night after night.
  1. Limit Drinks

    • It's a simple concept. If your child doesn't have any fluids to release, then he won't release any overnight. A major cause for bed wetting is the fact that kids tend to drink right before they go to sleep. Some even go to sleep with a glass of water by their bedside. It's important that your child drinks plenty of fluids and stays hydrated throughout the day, but he should stop drinking about an hour or two before bedtime. Do not reduce fluid intake throughout the day, just during the hour or two before your child goes to sleep. This will help reduce the urge to go the bathroom in the wee hours of the morning.

    Bathroom Visits

    • In addition to banning drinks the hour or two before your child goes to sleep, make sure he goes to the bathroom right before he hits the sack. And after he has been asleep for a while, wake him up and bring him to the bathroom. Many children who wet the bed tend to do it around the same time each night. Once you figure out your child's pattern, you can wake him up at the right time every night and bring him to the bathroom. Doing this every night will eventually get your child used to waking up and going to the bathroom when he feels the urge to do so.

    Bladder Control Exercises

    • You can also help train your child to hold his urine until he makes it to the bathroom with daytime exercises. Ask your child to tell you when he's going to the bathroom during the day. If you are with him, tell him to hold it for a short time before he goes to the bathroom. It's best to tell him that the exercise will help him stay dry at night. Start by asking him to hold it for 30 seconds. Do this daily and slightly increase the time you ask him to wait.

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