How to Use Uropathy
Things You'll Need
- your own urine
- alternative or homeopathic doctor
How to Use Uropathy
Overcome your revulsion. This is the most difficult part of urology. Realize that urine has been used by intelligent, well-known people from many cultures who swear it's effective. Studies by biochemists in recent years have been the subject of international uropathy conferences, and many common drugs have a primary base of urine. Premarin, clot busters given in cardiac emergencies, many fertility drugs, perfumes and moisturizing creams are used by people every day without a second thought--and all are urine based.
Know what urine is made of. If you understand urine is sterile, more pure than distilled water, made mostly of water and urea, and contains small amounts of different hormones and metabolites you won't find it so disgusting.
Find out how uropathy can benefit you. If urine can detoxify, restore and maintain your health, prevent or destroy cancer, treat heart disease, immunize against allergies, prevent post-surgical complications, sterilize burns, and heal wounds as well as providing several other health benefits, it's worth looking into.
Plug your nose and close your eyes when you first begin to drink urine. At first the odor of urine when air hits it and the salty taste can be disgusting, but after only a few days of drinking urine both the smell and taste disappear. Your urine becomes totally free of color, smell, and taste. Be sure to place your urine in a sterile container to avoid contamination, and use only urine collected midstream or after. Drink urine to prevent cancer, destroy cancer cells, and to restore and maintain your health.
Dip a piece of cotton into urine and squeeze drops over wounds three times a day. Urine's anti-bacterial properties promote healing and the wound is kept sterile. Apply urine to skin for a youthful look,. Let it dry for ten minutes, then wash using no soap. Use stale urine, four days old, to massage the entire body. Let it dry for awhile, then wash using no soap. Apply urine to burns to provide a sterile area against infection and to heal tissue.
Avoid drinking your urine if you have sugar in your urine or if you have a urine infection. Don't drink urine late at night, and don't drink the first stream of morning urine. Women shouldn't drink urine if they have a vaginal infection or are menstruating.
Consult an alternative or homeopathic health professional before beginning uropathy.