Signs of a Dog Bite Infection
Infection From a Dog Bite Is Likely if Left Untreated
Dogs bite approximately 2 million people every year. About 1 percent of those bitten are injured seriously enough to require hospitalization. Children more than adults are the victims of dog bites, and more boys than girls suffer infection. There are numerous factors that contribute to the likelihood of infection from a dog bite. Of all dog bites, 15 to 20 percent will become infected and represent more than 80 percent of all documented animal bite incidents.
Watch for Swelling
Inflammation at the site of the dog bite is the most common sign of infection. Redness and swelling generally develop in about 8 hours, but it can take up to one full day. Increased warmth around the dog bite is also a sign of infection, as is pus or a white discharge. Lymph glands that become enlarged or sensitive can also be an indication that the dog bite has become infected. Another sign is reddish streaks on the arms or legs radiating from the dog bite wound.
Serious Infections Can Cause Death
More advanced or severe signs of a dog bite include meningitis, a brain abscess and even a heart infection. An infected dog bite wound can cause death, bone marrow inflammation or gangrenous arthritis. A dog bite wound should never go untreated. Any dog bite that breaks the skin and causes even just a little bleeding should be cleaned thoroughly and watched closely for signs of infection. If swelling or oozing occurs, professional medical attention should be sought immediately.
Early Warning Signs of Rabies
A severe dog bite infection can also cause hallucinations, especially if the dog has rabies. Early signs of rabies can be symptoms similar to the flu, including headache and a high fever. Muscle spasms and a sudden aversion to water followed by a dog bite could be an indication of a rabies infection.
Tetanus and Sepsis
Serious and deadly infections, such as tetanus, can be transmitted through a dog bite wound. Signs of tetanus following a dog bite are swelling and pain at the site of the wound, headache and severe muscle spasms. The best protection against contracting tetanus is a tetanus booster shot every five years. If it has been over five years since the patient received a tetanus booster, a medical professional will order this as part of the patient's dog bite treatment. Sepsis, also known as septicemia and blood poisoning, can also result from a dog bite. Signs of sepsis include chills, fever and exhaustion or collapse. Sepsis must be addressed immediately by a qualified physician, who will order a course of antibiotics.
Treatment for a Dog Bite Should Begin Immediately
Harmful microorganisms can grow inside a dog bite wound and subsequently cause life-threatening infections. Dog bites that become infected are very serious and can result in limb amputation. Immediately following a dog bite, the wound should be thoroughly cleansed with warm soapy water and an antiseptic should be applied. The dog bite wound should be bandaged.