When cow is sick not eating and frothy at mouth what it?
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE, or "Mad Cow Disease")
* A fatal, degenerative neurological disorder in cattle that affects the brain and spinal cord
* Symptoms include nervousness, aggression, loss of coordination, and difficulty standing
* There is no known cure or treatment for BSE
* Highly contagious, and can spread through contact with infected animals or contaminated materials
* The exact cause of BSE is unknown, but it is believed to be caused by an infectious agent called a prion
* BSE can also affect humans who eat beef from infected animals, causing variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD)
* A fatal viral disease of the central nervous system that affects both animals and humans
* Symptoms include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, and agitation
* There is no known cure or treatment for rabies, and the disease is almost always fatal
* Transmitted through the saliva of infected animals, such as dogs, cats, bats, and raccoons
* A sexually transmitted disease caused by a protozoan parasite called Tritrichomonas foetus
* Symptoms include vaginal discharge, infertility, and abortion in cows
* Also known as "bull disease" or "trich"
* Most common in beef cattle, but can also occur in dairy cattle
* Transmitted through contact with infected animals or contaminated materials
Other possible causes of frothy mouth in cattle include:
* Lead poisoning: Cattle can ingest lead from paint chips, old batteries, or other lead-containing objects. Lead poisoning can cause a variety of symptoms, including frothing at the mouth, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
* Plant poisoning: Some plants, such as pokeweed, larkspur, and jimsonweed, can be poisonous to cattle. These plants can cause a variety of symptoms, including frothing at the mouth, difficulty breathing, and seizures.
* Foreign body ingestion: Cattle can ingest foreign objects, such as pieces of wood, metal, or plastic. These objects can cause a variety of problems, including frothing at the mouth, abdominal pain, and vomiting.
If you notice a cow that is not eating and has frothy mouth, it is important to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. The veterinarian will be able to diagnose the cause of the frothy mouth and recommend the appropriate treatment.