Crystal Healing for Crohn's Disease
Crohn's disease is an auto-immune disorder of the intestinal tract, according to As such, crystal healing practitioners such as the proprietors of generally associate this disorder with the base (or sacral) chakra. Chakras are energy centers found along the spine, with the sacral charka located at the lowest point.
Sacral Chakra
- provides a list of stones and crystals that are associated with the sacral chakra. These include garnet, red jasper, hematite, quartz crystal, black tourmaline, black obsidian, smoky quartz and rhodochrosite.
- recommends a specific set of crystals that can assist with problems directly related to the intestines, which includes Crohn's. These include amber, carnelian, green fluorite, garnet, jasper, peridot and ruby.
Power Trio
As red jasper and red garnet both affect the sacral chakra and the intestines, they may be the most potent for Crohn's. Adding a quartz crystal to the mix will boost the effectiveness of both stones, as crystal healers describe clear quartz as a sort of "battery" for other stones. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic describes both red jasper and garnet as protective, healing stones.
Crystal healers use crystals in a variety of ways to harness their energy. You can place the crystals directly on your lower abdomen as you meditate, carry them close to your body throughout the day or even drink spring water in which the cleaned crystals have soaked for a few hours.