Animal Wound Infection

Even with the best care and prevention, any animal can develop an infection in an open sore or wound. In serious cases, an infection can enter the bloodstream and cause a systemic infection. To prevent an infection from getting worse, animals with a wound or open sore should be seen by a veterinarian for a diagnosis and treatment.
  1. Causes

    • Bacteria that gets into an open wound is the most common cause of infections. There are several kinds of bacteria that can cause infections.


    • Infection is suspected if the wound is red, swollen and/or exhibiting pus. In this case, the wound area should be swabbed and cultured to determine the cause of the infection.


    • Several antibiotics can be prescribed to animals to treat severe wound infections, though the type is dependent on the animal and strain of bacteria.


    • A veterinarian may clean the wound with a betadine or chlorhexiderm solution, which helps clear out dead tissue and pus and promotes faster healing.

    Other Treatment

    • For severe wounds such as abscesses, a veterinarian may recommend inserting a temporary drain to allow pus to exit the wound.

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