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How to Kill the Rasberry Ant

Rasberry ants are named for the man who discovered them, Tom Rasberry. They are also known as crazy ants and are suspected to be related to the Caribbean crazy ants. The "crazy" part about the crazy ants is the erratic way in which they move. They were first discovered in Texas and seem to be mysteriously attracted to electronic equipment. Being attracted to electronic equipment can put them in frequent contact with humans.

Things You'll Need

  • Boric acid
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Spoon
  • 1 tsp. peanut butter
  • 1-inch-by-1-inch flat plastic pieces
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      Weaken the colony at first by eliminating and limiting food and water sources. Rasberry ants feed on sweets, honeydew produced by other bugs and dead ants. Eliminate any sources of sweetness, i.e. hummingbird feeders, honey, sugar or any sweet substance. Remove dead ants if you see them as the Rasberry ants are known to feed on the dead. Close off any water sources including bird baths, leaky faucets and plant pots that leak water.

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      Prepare ant traps with boric acid, sugar, water and peanut butter. Mix sugar and boric acid in a 1 to 3 ratio. Add water until the mixture becomes slightly soupy. Add 1 tsp. of peanut butter to the mixture and stir.

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      Use the spoon to spread small globs of the sticky mixture onto the plastic pieces. Make several traps to be placed around the area where you are combating the ants.

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      Leave the traps in place until they are empty. Watch as the Rasberry ants take the mixture back to their home to feed the colony and slowly perish.

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