How to Treat Fire Ant Bites or Stings
First rub off the ants. They will try to dig deeply into the flesh to sting so shaking them off won't work.
Then carefully wash the area with soap and water. It helps to apply a little alcohol which might relieve some of the sting and will keep the wounds clean.
Since there's likely to be considerable swelling, gently packing the area with ice should also help.
Often the blisters that follow will itch intensely. Do not scratch them since that will spread the irritation. It can also lead to infection.
There are a number of home remedies that have been suggested to help relieve the misery of fire ant stings. Here are some suggestions.
*Apply ice whenever it can help with either pain or itching. It is safe.
*Try applying a thick paste of salt and water, crushed aspirin, meat tenderizer, or baking soda and water.
*Some people have found relief with aloe vera directly from the plant or in gel form. Arnica gel may also work.
*Many people have been helped by applying tea tree oil.
*Slices of fresh onion are said to provide some relief, too.
*Hydrocortisone cream is often used and seems to be a useful aid.
*Dabbing on hydrogen peroxide is another treatment you can use at home.
*Using mixtures with bleach, ammonia and dishwashing liquid have also been used, but be very careful using these products as you might do more harm than good.
*Taking an anti-histamine should also help reduce swelling and suffering. -
Some people may be allergic to the toxin from red ants. If you see any signs of difficulty breathing, nausea, chest pain, light-headedness, severe swelling or any other strong reaction, immediately seek professional help. Allergic reactions can be life-threatening.
If you should come across the unusual tall mounds of a fire ant, the best thing you can do is stay away and call in professional help. Also keep children and pets away from the area. The best way to stay safe from fire ant stings is to avoid the ants all together! For more information on fire ants and how to avoid fire ant stings or bites, please read the articles listed under Resoursces.