| | Bites Stings | Ant Bites
How to Treat Ant Bites
Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- Benadryl
Wash the bitten area with warm water and soap. Dry the bite gently.
Mix baking soda with water to form a thick paste. Apply the baking soda paste to the bite. This homemade treatment helps with itching and swelling.
If you do not have adverse reactions to Benedryl, take a Benadryl tablet. One 25 milligram dose of Benadryl helps in the event of an allergic reaction.
Avoid scratching, picking, or draining the bite. In many cases, a pustule will form within a day or two. Do not break this open as it can cause infection.
Call your doctor if you think your bite is infected. Signs of infection include foul odor, drainage and pus from the wound, fever, and swelling.