How to Dry Out Fire Ant Bites
Things You'll Need
- Soap
- Water
- Ice
- Alcohol
- Cotton swabs
- Benadryl
- Calamine Lotion
- Towel
Shed your garments and examine your entire body. More ants may be hiding in the fibers of your clothes. Your first priority is to avoid further bites.
Sanitize the bite. Work the soap and water into a lather with your hands and gently rub it on the affected area. Place the bites under running water or gently use a damp towel to remove the excess soap.
Fill the cap of the alcohol bottle with alcohol and swirl a clean cotton swab in the mixture. Lightly dab the affected area with the swab to disinfect the bite.
Reduce the swelling by placing an ice cube on the bite for about 15 minutes. If the cold sensation gets a bit too much, remove the ice for a little while and place it back on the bite when comfortable.
Squeeze a few drops of calamine lotion on the affected area or use another clean cotton swab to apply the mixture.
Take a dose of the allergy-fighting drug Benadryl. Follow the instructions on the back of the bottle or carton for exact dosage. If you're weary about this step, contact your local pharmacist or your physician.