Ants With Stingers
Bull Dog Ant
Bull dog ants have a wasp-like appearance, possess a venomous stinger, which they use to track and kill their prey. Located in Australia, bull dog ants are believed to be one of the oldest species of ant, appearing around 100 million years ago, states National Geographic. They are only around 1 in. long, but are extremely agile and are capable of running and leaping as they sting their prey. Preferring to nest in sandy ground, they feed on bees, carpenter ants and other small insects.
Red Fire Ant
As their name suggests, fire ants are capable of leaving a painful burning mark with their rear stinger. Fire ants originated in South America, but were accidentally imported into the U.S. and are considered a serious pest because of their aggressive nature. They are up to 1/4 in. long and reddish in color. Favoring soft soil, red fire ants live in dry areas, burrowing under the ground and creating a network of passageways for the colony. As omnivores, fire ants feed on both vegetation, other insects, fruit and small newborn animals, such as newly hatched poultry.
Bullet Ant
The bullet ant is well known for its sting, which can cause pain for up 24 hours. It can get up to 1 in. in length and is red or brown in color. According to Ask the Exterminator, it is one of the most painful stings of all invertebrates. Preferring to nest near the bottom of trees, bullet ants are found in Central and South America countries like Nicaragua and Peru. They are omnivores that consume small plants, plant nectar and small insects.
Harvester Ant
Located in North America, harvester ants live in dry environments and build their colonies in exposed areas. Harvester ants are black or reddish brown in color and are 0.38 in. The harvester ant is capable of stinging its victim, which causes a painful, burning welt on the skin. This species forages for different desert grass seeds, which are stored in different chambers within the colony. Harvester ants also prey on small insects, such as termites.