Red & Black Ants That Bite
Red Fire Ant
Red fire ants are common all over the world except in extremely cold climates. Fire ants do not cause their pain from biting, but by stinging. Fire ants bite their victims in order not to fall off, then sting them by turning a perfect circle around the bite. After one ant bites and stings, it releases a chemical to the other ants and then a swarm of ants will rush to help their companion.
Bullet Ant
The bullet ant at first appears black, but a closer look shows that it has a red tint. The bullet ant's recognition does not come from a bite, it comes from a sting. The bullet ant uses powerful mandibles, or jaws, to hold on their prey while they sting, similar to the red fire ant. However, the bullet ant can sting without biting. The bullet ant's sting is said to be as painful as a gunshot wound.
Carpenter Ant
Carpenter ants can be red or black and are common throughout the world. Carpenter ants do not typically bite or sting. Carpenter ants will only bite if threatened. The bite may be painful, but carpenter ants do not inject venom into their victims like other biting or stinging species do.
Army Ants
Army ants swarm together in search of food. Contrary to other ants who bite and sting, the army ant does not inject any type of venom. The army ant has massive, razor-sharp mandibles. Army ants use their sharp jaws to rip meat off the bones of their food. Army ants sync their attack. Instead of one ant biting and being followed by others, the ants cover their victim then all bite at one time. These ants can be either black or red.