Symptoms of Fire Ants
Fire ants generally grow between one-eighth and one-fourth of an inch in length and are dark, reddish-brown. They live in communities where they work together to build a nest, raise their young and protect the colony from predators. They tend to populate areas where temperatures don't typically fall below freezing. They build their mound-shaped nests in open grassy places. Fire ants are omnivores and eat both plant and animal matter, such as other seedlings, plant bulbs, fruits, other insects, mice, turtles and snakes.
Fire ants will attack any animal or human that disturbs their nest. They first bite you so to get a tight grip on your skin and then sting you. As they sting you, they inject venom into your body. The sting turns into a small blister-like sore called a pustule within 24 to 28 hours after the sting. For most people, the sting only causes itching, stinging sensation and mild swelling around the sting site. This will last for about a day. Others experience a delayed reaction to a sting, which includes a fever, hives, painful joints and swollen glands. Some people undergo both an immediate and delayed reaction. A few people go into anaphylaxic shock when injected with the fire ant's venom. These people experience nausea, facial swelling, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain and a drop in blood pressure.
If you have a mild reaction to a fire ant sting, remove the stinger from your skin and use soap and water to wash the area. Ease the pain and swelling by applying a cold pack to the pustule. Also, apply hydrocortisone cream to the sting area until the pain and swelling go away and take an antihistamine that contains diphenhydramine. If you experience mild nausea, intestinal cramps, diarrhea or severe swelling, seek medical treatment. Call emergency medical assistance if you experience difficulty breathing, faintness, dizziness, confusion, rapid heartbeat, hives, severe cramps or vomiting.
Fire ant strings can be prevented. Since these ants become aggressive when their nests are disturbed, don't stand on or near ant nests. Also, stay away from areas where they hunt for food. If you know you're going to be working near a nest, wear boots and tuck your pants into your socks. If the fire ants can't come in contact with skin, they can't sting you. Spray insect repellents on your clothing and footwear to deter the ants and any other insects you may encounter.