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Symptoms of Fire Ant Bites

Fire ants have the appearance of typical house or garden ant. They range in color from coppery black to brown, and their size varies from three to six centimeters. However, you should not let their size deceive you. Fire ants are known for their aggressive behavior and painful bites and stings.
  1. First Symptoms

    • Experiencing a painful, burning sting is usually the first symptom of a fire ant bite. The intensity of the pain can occur because of multiple stings or bites. The burning can last up to an hour at times.

    Skin Reactions

    • A welt or hive will likely develop on the skin within six to 24 hours. After the welt, a fluid-filled blister will occur. Areas surrounding the blister may be red in color, and they may also itch. Swelling can also occur and last up to three days.

    Continued Effects

    • Blisters may break open either with help from scratching or on their own. Most will scab up and then go away with a few days. A small scar may remain. If excessive scratching causes the blister to break, be careful to wash it with warm water to prevent infection.

    Serious Reactions

    • Serious reactions can occur in less than one percent of people. Some reactions include hives all over the body. Swelling of the face, eyes, tongue and lip can also occur. Chest pains, headache, wheezing or difficult breathing are also extreme bite reactions. These symptoms should be taken seriously, and you should seek medical attention.

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