Bed Bug Methods
Locating Infestations
Bed bugs tend to gather where you sleep, making it easier to feed during the night when you are asleep. They typically like to hide in tight enclosed areas such as the cracks between mattresses or couch cushions. Other hiding spots include the edgings of carpet and small spaces like lifted wallpaper. Bed bugs leave behind small mold-like spots of excrement and tiny white eggs, so look for these when checking common bed bug areas.
Treating Bites
The bite from a bed bug causes different symptoms depending on the person. In the most extreme cases, bites become infected and may cover the whole body if the infestation is large enough. Bites are painless, but the raised bumps tend to itch. Astringents such as witch hazel or anti-itching creams like cortisone and calamine help to alleviate the symptoms of bed bug bites. Anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen reduce the swelling in large groupings of bites common with large infestations.
Treating Infestations
Bed bugs are extremely resilient creatures. An adult bed bug can live for over a year without feeding. Typically, a professional pest control service is called to completely eliminate the infestation with a combination of pesticides and cleaning. Mattresses and couches may need to be thrown away if the pesticide is unable to penetrate the material efficiently. Diatomaceous earth, a natural substance, is able to dehydrate living bedbugs and can be sprayed directly when mixed with water. Exposing bed bugs and their eggs to heat over 115 degrees Fahrenheit will also kill them, though the heat must be applied quickly to avoid migration of the bugs to other rooms.
Checking Hotel Rooms
Since bed bugs hide in mattresses, furniture and clothing, hotels are prime targets for bed bug infestations. Always check around your hotel room for signs of an infestation before unpacking any clothing from your luggage. Use the standing rack to keep luggage off the floor and place luggage away from common bed bug areas such as the beds or other furniture.