How to Prevent & Get Rid of Bedbugs
Getting Rid of Bed Bugs
Wash and dry bedding and clothes at a high temperature to kill the bed bugs. Heat infested items to at least 113 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour. If the temperature is higher, the time it takes to kill the bedbugs, at any life stage, will be shorter.
Spray a pesticide that is proven to kill bedbugs on mattresses and other infested items. Mix only enough pesticide to complete the application. Wear appropriate clothing and safety equipment to avoid personal exposure. Refer to the pesticide label for instructions. Wash yourself thoroughly with soap and water after usage.
Hire a pest management professional if you are not comfortable getting rid of the bed bugs yourself. The pest management professional will look over your home, take apart furniture if necessary and use vacuums, heat and pesticides to take care of the infestation.
Preventing Bed Bugs
Use a light-colored protective cover that encases mattresses and box springs which reduces a lot hiding spots. The light color of the encasement makes bed bugs easier to spot. Buy a high quality encasement that will defend against tearing and check the encasement often for holes.
Reduce clutter in your home. With less clutters, bedbugs have fewer places to hide and reproduce.
Do not bring contaminated items into your home. Carefully inspect clothing and baggage of people that visit your home, being on the lookout for bed bugs.