How to Kill & Get Rid of Bedbugs
Things You'll Need
- Vacuum
- Garbage bags
Vacuum your home thoroughly. Vacuuming your carpets, furniture and cushions will to remove some of the surface bed bugs and their eggs. Seal the vacuum contents in a zip-top plastic bag and throw it outside in your garbage immediately.
Move all cushions, furniture and mattresses outside if you happen to live somewhere where temperatures regularly fall below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread garbage bags flat on the ground and place all furniture cushions and pillows on top. Lean your mattresses against a tree trunk or the side of the house, instead of flat on the ground, to maximize the cold air exposure. Leave your items outdoors for at least four days. Temperatures closer to 0 degrees Fahrenheit will kill bed bugs even more effectively.
Wash all cloth items in your washing machine, including drapes, bed skirts, towels, blankets and clothing. The water must be at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit to kill the bed bugs, so use the hottest water possible. Dry your items in dryer for at least 20 minutes on high heat to kill the remaining bed bugs and their eggs.
Throw out any unnecessary furniture. In a heavy infestation, dropping your furniture at the dump may be the only alternative. Tape or pin a sign to the item that clearly reads, "Has Bedbugs." A sign is necessary to prevent someone from unsuspectingly taking an infested item home for their own use.
Apply chemical exterminators. The EPA currently recognizes over 300 products as effective treatments for bedbugs. Many products will require you to vacate your home for a period of several days due to the toxic nature of the chemicals, so read the directions for each exterminate carefully. Apply chemical treatments in combination with other methods for maximum efficacy.