How to Search for Bed Bugs in Hotels
Research hotels online and make sure to read all of the consumer reviews. Many times, if someone experienced a problem with bedbugs in a hotel, they will mention it on one of these review boards. Even if you find a review claiming that there were bedbugs present in your hotel, make sure you inquire about your findings with the hotel manager, as this person will be able to tell you whether the problem has been solved.
Know what bedbugs and the most common signifier of their presence -- their excrement -- look like so that you know exactly what you are looking for. Bedbugs look like tiny apple seeds. They can be seen without a magnifying glass. Their excrement are tiny black specks, smaller than a poppy seed, but still noticeable on mattresses if you look closely.
Check for bedbugs in their favorite places. These include in the cracks of the mattress, the upper and lower seams and even the mattress tag. Search thoroughly. Look closely at the walls, headboards and bedside tables. Bedbugs can sometimes hide in these places too.
Keep your belongings off the bed and off the ground. The bathroom is the best place to store your luggage since bedbugs rarely migrate there, but a luggage rack will do as well. Inspect your luggage carefully before you leave the hotel to be absolutely sure that you don't bring the bugs home with you.